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Director of Education Ministries – May 2023

Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723

Upcoming Youth Group Meet-ups

April 30 – 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 3rd-8th grade youth group in room 110. We will begin a series on change.

May 14 – 9:30 a.m. Graduating seniors - recognition during the worship service (cake in Fellowship Hall afterward).

May 16 – 11:00 a.m. Plant Delivery Day. Meet at the church – see article below for details.

May 21 – 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 3rd-8th grade youth group in room 110.

June 4 – 11:00 a.m. Senior High meetup Laser tag is in the works – check GroupMe for updates.

June 4 - 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 3rd-8th grade youth group in room 110. End of year event and summer kick-off.

No more* (*well, at least less) emails…. Communication changes coming

Work with Glenn and the communications committee has started to streamline how youth program event details and registrations are shared with families. Over the next few months, we will begin to transition to post updates to a new page on the church website – linked here. The intent is to make it easier to find the information on upcoming events, and open registrations. For the next few months, information will be shared via email and updated on the new on-line Youth Activities Page. Beginning in the fall, the youth activities page will be the main location for parents to find updated event information.

Senior Recognition Sunday, May 14

Be sure to join us for worship on Sunday morning, May 14, when our five graduating seniors will be recognized during the service. Cake will be served during Coffee Hour afterward.

Help Needed for Plant Sale Pickup Day – May 16

Help is needed on May 16, starting at 10:00 a.m., to unload and sort plants into orders. The good news - we sold a LOT of individual plants (over 400), and over 80 different individual items. That means there will be lots of work to make sure we sort the correct items into the correct orders. We will meet until we have all orders sorted and ready for pickup by late afternoon. Here is the link to help on Tuesday, May 16 -

Summer Sunday School – Volunteers Needed

The Summer Sunday school format begins on Sunday, May 28. All kids, preschool (potty-trained) through 5th grade will be combined in room 110 to hear a short Bible-based lesson and then have time to socialize and enjoy our playground. Older youth are invited to help lead activities like chalk, crafting, or bubbles. Adult volunteers are needed each week to oversee the kids. Here is the link to sign-up.

3rd – 8th Grade Youth Adventure Camp at Crestfield July 9-14

It’s not too late to join the five youth registered for our first-ever youth group week at Crestfield this summer. The week will be balanced with lots of fun while discovering God’s Word and growing our spiritual life. Experience adventure challenge activities including ropes courses, canoeing, and swamp ball. Campers will enjoy evening activities such as Capture the Flag, Gold Rush (a Crestfield favorite similar to Capture the Flag), and Lip Sync Night. We will also enjoy some quiet moments of song and reflection in our beautiful outdoor chapel at the end of each day. Campers will be housed in the Cottages and Lodge, and weather permitting, will get to experience a camp-out night under the stars. If you’re interested, check out the new youth activities page for details and registration instructions.

Blast Off with Bower Hill's VBS: July 31-Aug 4

Join us as we journey to Mars and Beyond on an adventure to explore God's love through music, craft, games and fellowship together. Bower Hill's summer VBS will follow a youth-leader model again this year, with pre-school (potty trained) through 2nd grade attending from 9:30-noon each day. Older youth from 3rd grade and up will serve as helpers in the morning, then stay through 3:00 p.m. each day for more in-depth activities just for them. Registration links for both campers and volunteer helpers will open in early May.


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