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Mission Matters - February 2024

RIP Medical Debt

Our RIP Medical Debt campaign ends on January 31st. We have collected over $45,000 which should abolish about $4,500,000 in medical debt for our neighbors in the Synod of the Trinity. Thanks to all who participated. After RIP has purchased the debt, they will send us a report giving some statistics on what debt was abolished. We will share that when we receive it.

Host Malawi Pilgrim

Between May 11 and May 20, Bower Hill will be hosting at least one pilgrim from Malawi or South Sudan who will be visiting the Pittsburgh Presbytery through our long-standing partnership with the Synod of Blantyre and more recently with the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. We will be looking for volunteers to host one of these guests in their homes for not more than five nights. There will also be opportunities to accompany our guests to Presbytery events (food included!) or to invite them for lunch or dinner. We will be having a church social event in their honor sometime during their stay with us. If you are interested in volunteering, please see Jean Miewald, Lynn Sirinek, Sarah Neusius, Linda James, Darenda Lease, Carol Petti or Pastor Brian.

“What are the Lessons from Barnet for Today?”

The Pittsburgh Presbytery and Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church are hosting a weekend of celebration for Henry Highland Garnet, the first Black Presbyterian minister in Pittsburgh. The theme of the celebration is “What are the Lessons from Garnet for Today?” and will take place at Grace Memorial on Friday, February 16, with Dinner and Dialogue, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and then Saturday, February 17, with Lunch and Discussion from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The featured speaker will be the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, the Director of the Office of Public Witness, PCUSA. For more information, please see this link. It also includes a link to sign up if you want to join us.


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