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Eco-Justice Team - May 2023

We hope you had an enjoyable and productive Earth Day (especially if you attended the event here at the church!). The celebration of Earth Day began in 1970, but people of faith have been celebrating the glory of creation for a very long time. We can all join them in our efforts at sustainability.

You have probably heard a lot lately about sustainable gardening, native plants, and the importance of fostering the well-being of pollinators. EJT is planning to put native plants in the bed outside the kitchen door, a space where there’s not much going on. Stay tuned, and monitor our efforts. We hope you can check it out while you’re helping with the SHIM garden this year.

EJT, with the cooperation of the Adult-Ed committee, is also hoping to bring a speaker from the Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy, probably in the fall. It’s always nice to have local projects to support!!


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