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Getting Involved - Mission - Matthew 25 Congregation

Matthew 25 Congregation Projects

Project 1 - Retiring Medical Debt

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Our first project to abolish medical debt for our neighbors in the Synod of the Trinity has come to an end.  Our campaign was live on the RIP Medical Debt website from September through the end of January.  Thanks to many generous donors at Bower Hill and throughout the Synod, the memorials for Rob Barone, and a mystery donor from Middle Tennessee, we were able to collect nearly $50,000 which was able to retire almost $6,000,000 in debt.  RIP took those funds to buy medical debt owed by families living within the geographic area of the Synod of the Trinity and then forgive that debt.  These families will receive a letter, out of the blue, that tells them that their debt has been forgiven by their neighbors in the Synod of the Trinity, PCUSA.  Imagine opening your mail one day and getting a letter like that!  Checkout the detail report outlining the debt that we were able to forgive on a county by county basis.

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