Adult Education resumed meetings during second hour at 11:00 a.m. beginning on Sunday, September 19. The theme selected for this year is “Who is My Neighbor? How Do I Love My Neighbor?”.
Pending any changes in guidance from the BHCC Task Force, we are planning to hold Adult Education sessions in a hybrid manner. Some of us will be meeting in person in the Friendship Room with masking and distancing according to our Church Task Force and CDC recommendations. In addition, we will be linking into a Zoom session using a laptop, screen-sharing, and a special microphone that should improve interactive discussion.
We encourage all members and all friends of BHCC to join us for one or more of the sessions listed below.
Let’s make Adult Education a habit this Fall!
Sarah Neusius, Chair, Adult Education Committee
October 3 - We will have a presentation by Kate Fletcher and Maggie Wambui about Hekima Place and our neighbors in Kenya.
October 10 - We will host Kathy Hrobosky on the ecojustice organization Interfaith Power and Light, which is working to organize a chapter here in Southwest Pennsylvania (co-sponsored with the Eco-Justice Team which is considering joining IPL).
October 17 - Pastor Brian Snyder will lead a session on how poetry can help us see the world and our neighbors differently and become more empathetic.
October 24 - Liddy Barlow of Christian Associates of SWPA will be presenting on empathy.