Saturday, October 22
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
You won't want to miss this season's version of BHCC's Got Talent! We know many of our congregation members and friends have untold hidden (and not so hidden) talents. Perhaps you are an exceptional singer. Maybe you are a juggler, or a comedian at heart. Little did we know that you and your partner are swing dance champions! Maybe you and your son or daughter have a gig you'd like to share. Write and present your own poetry, do you? Whether you have a serious talent, or one tinged with humor, we invite you to begin rehearsing your act and plan to share it with your friends at church on October 22.
Our youth are also encouraged to perform. Maybe some of the choir members can put new words to a favorite hymn. Whatever your talent, our panel of distinguished judges -- Rick Jacobs, Jean Miewald, and Ruth Robbins -- are prepared to commend and comment as we evaluate the evening's acts. Your performance will be limited to three minutes. We'll plan to use the Fellowship Hall stage and refreshments will be provided.
If your talent is more along the lines of the visual arts, bring one or two of your paintings, photos, or crafty creations for display. These are welcome as well and will be displayed in Fellowship Hall that evening. If you would like to be on the performance agenda for the evening, please inform us of your plans by emailing Sally Child at or Lynn Helbling Sirinek If the visual arts are more your thing, you may contact Lynne Wohleber at
Watch for more details as the date draws nearer, and be sure to mark your calendars!