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Christmas Angel Tree - Thank You

About our Angel Trees

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Christmas Angel trees this year. We took many gift cards to Casa San Jose, our veterans and their families, and to the elderly at Presbyterian Senior Care in Washington, PA. Carol Petti wrapped the gifts for the Seniors and delivered them. She got this letter from their Director.

Dear Carol and friends at Bower Hill Community Church,

My name is Derek Culbertson and I am the Senior Director of the Washington Campus for Presbyterian SeniorCare Network. I had the privilege of running into Carol as she dropped off the Angel Tree gifts for the residents of Southminster Place. I wanted to say a special thank you to all that were involved in the process of putting together the gifts for our residents. My dad was the pastor of the South Hills Church of the Nazarene in Bethel Park for over 30 years before he retired. Prior to that, he had pastored for years in Ohio, so my entire life was spent as a pastor’s kid. He passed away last year, but I carry with me lots of the Lord’s teaching/messages through him over the years. Whenever something would happen where someone with a servant’s heart did something kind or caring for someone else, my dad had a phrase I’d often hear him say. He would say, they were “Jesus with skin on.” It was his way of saying that they had been the hands and feet of Jesus as scripture calls us to do in many passages throughout the Bible. I want to thank you for not only being the hands and feet of Jesus for our residents here at Southminster Place, but for putting another smile on my face as I thought of my dad and what he would have said in response to such a kind act as this.

I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you in His loving arms.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” – Hebrews 13:16

In His Love and with gratitude,

Derek Culbertson


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