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Dedicate a New Hymnal

We have now purchased a total of 100 copies of the Glory to God Hymnal using the Friends of Music Fund. Members are welcome to dedicate the cost of one of the new hymnals ($25) in memory of, or in honor of their loved one(s), which will help offset the money used from the FOM Fund.

If you would like to donate the cost of a new hymnal, click here for the order form. Copies are also available in the Narthex. You can then put your completed form with your cash, or a check made payable to Bower Hill Community Church (with GTG Hymnal on the memo line) in an envelope and place it in the collection plate on Sundays, or you can mail it in or drop it off at the church office. Dedication stickers will be placed inside the front cover of the new hymnals.

We hope you will consider donating one (or more) of our new hymnals as a way of remembering/honoring your loved ones.

If you have any questions, please contact me using my contact Sally Child at




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