Please invite a young musician in your life to join us for a super casual Holiday Chamber
Music Experience! All ability levels are welcome.
Thirty-minute rehearsals will be held Sunday, November 17 & 24 and December 1 & 8, at 11:00 a.m. Can't make all rehearsals? Attend as many as you can.
We will perform in worship on December 15, from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
For more information, please email Anne Smith at Anne.smith@bowerhillchurch.org.
For the most up to date music schedule & information please click here
BHCC was thrilled to host Anne Smith’s piano students’ costumed recital on October 20. Congratulations to all!

Thank you to everyone who has made spectacular music in September and October!
Ella Belardi +
Deb and Steve Boisvert %
Deb & Ben Carter # +
Sally Child % #
Theresa Child %
Bethany Gibbs @
Leo Goode #
Betsy Hohlfelder %
Nate Ivey @
Judy & Rick Jacobs % #
Linda James #
Jean Miewald % #
Anne & Gordon Mitchell #
Chris Robbins # +
Art Thomas #
Donna Williams %
Britney Yauger-Limtham #
Margaret Zabo % #
+ Instrumentalist
% Bell Choir
# Chancel Choir
@ ToGather Leader