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Eco-Justice Team - December 2022

As this is being written, we are still looking forward to Thanksgiving. Last month’s

newsletter included some ideas for making the feast more sustainable and

meaningful, with a few ideas for Christmas, as well.

On Sunday, November 27, we held our traditional “Deck the Halls” fellowship time.

We decorated our beautiful building with lights and decorations that evoke our

holiday memories and traditions. While it is well beyond the ability of this committee

to determine whether artificial greens are preferable to chopping down the real thing, we can all appreciate the vital importance of saving the Earth’s forests. The electricity that powers our lights will be sadly lacking this winter for many people in the world, among them the millions who have never had access to its benefits. We can all find some way, however small, to create less waste. We can all find some way to

create more love.

This year Adult Education is exploring what it means to be a servant. We have heard stories of injustice and want, and continue to explore what it means to be a Matthew 25 congregation. We also look for the helpers. Our Mission Committee (including the EJT) supports some wonderful organizations, and can identify for you many opportunities to be involved in the ongoing work of the Kingdom.

This Christmas, may the lights of the season lead us to a deeper understanding of the responsibilities God’s gift places on us, and go forward into the coming year with renewed hope and commitment.

And, as always, “God bless us, every one!”


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