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Getting Involved - Mission - Eco Justice

1. We are called to be stewards of God’s created order. 

2. The irresponsible use of the world’s resources is a form of injustice against life and future generations.

3. We all participate in forms of ecological injustice that must be named and resisted, particularly as the worst impacts fall on the vulnerable and poor. 

Eco Justice Team Guiding Principles

1. The Eco-Justice Team posts a monthly newsletter article focusing on environmental issues in the areas of both ecological practices and environmental justice. 


2. The BHCC SHIM Garden, coordinated by Alan Holdfelder, produced 206 pounds of peppers for SHIM’s Food Pantry.


3. The Eco-Justice Team (EJT) also supports PA Interfaith Power and Light, an interdenominational organization that supports eco-justice through advocacy for and education of environmental justice issues. In addition EJT supports PA Resource Council and the Center for CoalField Justice. 


4. Adult Ed speakers and classes on environmental justice issues were also held during the year.


5. On Kickoff Sunday 2023, in conjunction with BHCC’s Outreach Committee, reusable tote bags highlighting BHCC is “Green and Growing in Faith.” were distributed to encourage congregation members to avoid one-use plastic bags when shopping.

Eco-Justice in 2023

2020 Projects

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