Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723
Summer Mission Trip Meeting
Back to the drawing board! Building off our desire to offer more intergenerational opportunities, we are still planning a 2024 summer mission trip for older youth AND adults. This trip is for any youth currently in sixth grade or older, including young adults/adults. Several people who expressed an interest in attending could not do the week selected by the anonymous survey sent in December. Therefore, we are meeting after
church (during coffee hour) on Sunday, March 3, in the Friendship Room to discuss date options that will work for people who want to go. If you can’t attend this meeting, but are interested, please contact Amy.
GATHER: All-church dinner potluck
The last GATHER potluck is on Sunday, March 3, at 6:00 p.m. Don’t miss
your chance to connect and share in our collective life of faith to mentor our
youth confirmands. We strongly encourage all to attend! Bring a SIMPLE
dish to share. Details can be found on the church website here.
Youth Group Mission Updates
Camp Ligonier Mission Workday
During our recent retreat at Camp Ligonier, Bower Hill youth participated in cleanup work around camp. We cleared the branches and twigs from a large oak tree felled by recent storms that was covering camp paths and trails. It was a great project for the unseasonably warm February day!
Tackle Hunger Results
Teaming up with Tacklehunger.org, Bower Hill youth launched a Souper Bowl of
Caring Food drive to join the nation-wide movement to give locally and make a
collective impact on hunger. This year’s recipient was Greater Pittsburgh Community
Food Bank. We raised over $335 and delivered three cart-loads of food! Thanks to all
who supported this effort!
Hot Metal Bridge Dinner
The youth group will be preparing the dinner on Sunday, March 17, that will be served that Tuesday, March 19, at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community. Your help is needed… Click here to signup to help – bring the ingredients needed or help to cook and/or serve
SAVE THE DATE for these Upcoming Events!
Youth Group Spring Plant Sale
Returns in early April; plant delivery is May 20 this year.
Bower Hill’s VBS
Scheduled the week of July 29 – August 2.
3rd – 8th Grade Youth Camp at Crestfield July 7-12
Registration opens in mid-March.
Youth Group Activities
The church website is the best place to find info on current events for children and youth. Bookmark this link and check back regularly: https://www.bowerhillchurch.org/upcoming-activities. Here are the upcoming meetings by age group.
Middle & High school youth group
• 03/03 – 5:00 -6:00 p.m. All-youth games for 3rd – 8th then all-church potluck at 6:00 p.m.
• 03/17 – 6:00 p.m. – Food Prep for Hot Metal Bridge
• 03/19 – 4:30 p.m. – Serve food at Hot Metal Bridge
• 04/07 – 6:30 p.m. – MS Youth Group in room 110
Tweens (3rd - 5th grades) will join older youth for a monthly group game night.
• 03/03 – 5:00 -6:00 p.m. All-youth games for 3rd – 8th then all-church potluck at 6:00 p.m