From the Director of Education Ministries
Amy Grella —
NEW THIS SUMMER: Thankful Thursdays
We hope kids from preschool through 8th grade will join us for Thankful Thursdays for organized, outdoor fun at the following times:
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Preschool (must be potty-trained) through completed 2nd grade.
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Completed 3rd- 8th.
NOTE: We will not meet on Thursday, July 8 (due to the holiday week and our mission trip).
During each session, we will have a gathering time where a weekly theme and short Bible-based object lesson will be introduced. There will be time to explore the theme through planned crafts and activities, and we will end with free play time for all participants. The drop-in camps will be offered at no cost. An online RSVP will be sent each Sunday for the following Thursday to ensure enough materials are prepared.
A one-time Registration is required BY FAMILY (there are prompts for you to add each child in the form).
This information will apply for the summer. Here is the link to register.
Weekly RSVP forms (one for each child attending)will be sent out each Sunday for the following Thursday.RSVPs will help us ensure we have enough supplies ready each week and also to verify the COVID safety of all attendees.
Share this with friends, family and neighbors who may want to attend. Please contact me if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering on any week.
Summer Sunday School
Summer Sunday School is provided for children from preschool through 8th grade using the Summer Sunday School format, which focuses on fellowship (there are no prepared lessons), socialization and allowing kids to enjoy our playground. Our goal will be to remain outdoors on the playground as much as possible but have the indoor area (room 110) accessible for inclement weather. If enough approved adult volunteers are available and there are enough kids, we will move the 3rd-8th graders to the church front lawn for organized games during this time; otherwise we will all remain together on the church playground. Masks are required; please go to our church website for our COVID procedures for children and youth to see the safety precautions in place. Childcare for infants and toddlers will be available during the worship service in the nursery as usual.
Volunteer opportunities for working with children and youth
As we continue to return to in-person worship options for children and youth, we are in need of adult and older youth volunteers. Please see the different descriptions and links below. If you are able to lend a helping hand, it would be appreciated!
Summer Sunday School - volunteering alongside an approved adult, for about one hour on Sunday mornings during the worship service. Please use this link. to sign up by date.
Thankful Thursdays - volunteering alongside an approved adult for 1.5 to 3 hours on Thursdays.
Please use this link to sign up.