Update from the Director of Education Ministries -- Amy Grella - 412-801-3723
Upcoming Youth Events.
All events are for youth 3rd- 12th grade unless otherwise specified.

ReNew: The Green VBS 2022
Kids from preschool through completed 2nd grade are invited to ReNew: The Green VBS. ReNew VBS will run daily the week of August 1-5, from 9:30 a.m.—noon.
During the week, kids will explore God’s Word through Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, learn about God’s Creation and what we can do to care for it, meet members of our
community who are stewards of the environment, make new friends and have a great time. See the flier included in the newsletter for full details on how to register, or click on this link to register.
Your Help is needed to make VBS a success
When children are asked what they remember most about their VBS experiences, the responses always include memories of the connections made and time spent with older youth and adults. The volunteers are what make a child’s experience memorable. Simply put, VBS isn’t VBS without you! We need adults and older youth volunteers (mature tweens and up) to staff this summer's VBS which takes place August 1-5th from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Even if you can only help one or two days. Please sign up to volunteer using this link. Thank you for joining us as we prepare a memorable experience for our young children this year!
ReNew: The Green VBS 2022 - NEW OPTION FOR 3rd-8th GRADERS
Bower Hill youth in 3rd-12th grade who volunteer at ReNew VBS are invited to stay and play afterward each day from 12 -2 p.m. Each youth will BYO lunch (which can be refrigerated). We will eat together, recap the VBS day, and then do group games afterward. On Friday, to celebrate the week, we will provide a walking taco lunch to all volunteers and head to Mingo Creek Park for an afternoon of fun. Be on the lookout for registration for the Friday lunch/Mingo trip to ensure we have the right amount of food and transportation for all. Please use this link to register your older youth to help with VBS.
Summer Sunday School and Nursery Coverage
Children from preschool through 8th grade are invited to meet directly downstairs in room 110 before worship begins at 9:30 a.m. Kids will hear a short children’s sermon/biblical-based lesson and then have time to socialize and enjoy our playground. Older youth (5th-8th grade) are invited to join and help lead activities like chalk, crafting, or games for the younger kids. Slots are still available in August for adult volunteers to help with Summer Sunday School. Please use this link to sign up. Childcare for infants and toddlers will be available in the nursery during the worship service as usual, but there will be no second hour coverage.
Youth Group Updates
Mission Trip Recap July 17
A team of 9 people, 6 youth and 3 adults, traveled to Philadelphia for a mission trip in June. Join this team on Sunday, July 17, immediately following coffee hour , when they will share their insights and experiences in a short presentation. We will meet in the sanctuary.
Volunteer to help at the Hot Metal Bridge meal in July
Bower Hill Youth will host dinner at The Table ministry at Hot Metal Bridge on Tuesday, July 19. We will meet on Sunday, July 17, from 12 -2 p.m. to make the meal. We need a few adults to help the youth prepare the meal at Bower Hill on Sunday, July 17. We also need folks to help serve the meal on Tuesday, July 19, at the Hot Metal Bridge church on the South Side. Use this link to sign up to help.
Senior High Youth Group Mini Golf Kick-off Event
Save the date! Join us on Sunday, August 21, at noon for a picnic lunch and miniature golfing at Forsythe Golf in Carnegie. Details to follow, but save the date.