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Donations Needed - Various Missions

Western PA Diaper Bank

Remember to save coupons for disposable diapers and feminine hygiene products that you collect. You can drop them off at the church office during regular business hours or send them with your weekly offering.

Unity Food Pantry

Collection Date - March 12

Unity Food Pantry's greatest needs are for boxed cereal, tuna in pouches and peanut butter, non-perishable food items and paper products.

Hot Metal Bridge Donations

Coats, hoodies, socks, gloves can continue to be dropped off anytime throughout the winter. Please place them in a bag marked HOT METAL. Bags can be dropped off in the foyer outside the church office in the bins labeled for Hot Metal Bridge.

HUH Play Shoes

Play Shoes are always needed at the Hearts United with Haiti Community Center

Kids grow! Kids play hard! and shoes wear out!

Shoes can be purchased at corner markets in-Haiti for only $10! Please consider making a donation of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 pairs of shoes for these kids!!! Make your check payable to: BHCC, Write HUH Shoes in the Memo line please

HARP Donations

Donations are still being accepted.

• Hand towels or bath towels (without holes or frays)

• Blankets

• Phone Book

• Newspaper

• Cardboard: Egg Carton, Toilet Paper Roll, Paper Towel Roll, Tissue Box, Cereal Box


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