On October 7, 2024, a group of 5 members of Bower Hill Community Church hiked in Sewickley Heights Borough Park. The weather was cool but perfect temperature for hiking. We started the hike by walking through an open field to be greeted by several friendly dogs. Entering the woods, we followed a gravel road for a short distance. We veered off onto a single track path called Spruce Run and then went downhill using Beaver Dam Path. Next, we followed the contours of the hill crossing over Pipeline Pass and then the entrance road (Hallaway Road). At this point, we were followed Chestnut Path to Waterfall trail. The waterfall was dry but there was an old concrete wall on the one side of the stream. Next came, Cabin Trail which is a downhill with hundreds of steps. We were told by a couple hiking with their dogs that a private landowner had built a roller coaster on the hill and that the steps were used for the guests to walk back up the hill. At the bottom of the hill was a stream, with the remains of the foundation and fireplace of two log cabins. We followed Cabin Hollow path and Waterbrush Way back to our car. It was a enjoyable hike on a crisp fall day.