Tuesday March 21, 2023, BHCC will serve a meal for approximately 70 people.
BHCC is volunteering at the The TABLE at Hot Metal Bridge to provide and serve dinner. We still need the following items:
5 Bruschetta Chicken casseroles (Darenda will provide this EASY one dish mix recipe - Please use this recipe only)
3 Bundt Cakes
2 volunteers to serve at Hot Metal
These items can be cooked ahead of time and frozen in the BHCC freezer anytime prior to March 21. Please use only the pans provided by BHCC. These pans are located in the middle white cabinets in the BHCC kitchen. Please mark your label your pans marked for TABLE March 21.
Please contact Darenda Lease at dlease109@comcast.net if you would like to help or if you have any questions.