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Usher Captains and Lectors Needed

We have no Usher Captain for October 27!

We Need YOU!

Since we sent out an e-blast on September 4, recruiting

volunteers to serve as Lectors and Usher Captains, we have

only had a few folks sign up to be Lector. As far as Usher

Captains are concerned, no one has yet signed up. The

duties of the Usher Captain are few and require a minimal

time commitment. Everything required happens on Sunday

morning when you are already in attendance. Any man,

woman or youth can fill this position. We are grateful for

our volunteers who regularly serve as Lectors and Usher


If you are willing to serve as a Lector or an Usher Captain,

please sign up using the appropriate link below. If you

would like more information before signing on the dotted

line, please reach out to me using my contact information

below and I will be in touch to let you know the specific

duties of each of the volunteer positions. So, please give

this prayerful consideration and SIGN UP NOW!

Click here if interested in being an Usher Captain.

Click here if interested in being a Lector.

Sally Child

Chair, Worship & Music Committee


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