The Community Life Communications Committee has completed the changes to Bower Hill’s YouTube channel page. For those who click on the worship link in Friday’s office email or on website postings there is no change. As before those links will take you directly to the video. But for those who go to Bower Hill’s YouTube channel, the home page has changed. The change puts the most watched videos on the home page. While it simplifies viewing the page on a computer, it significantly reduces the scrolling on small devices like cell phones. We believe by making the format, titles, and description of videos more consistent makes the home page more professional. On the homepage you will find the more current videos for worship, inspirational messages, church activities, children and youth, music, and memorial services. Clicking on the menu item VIDEOS will show the most recently uploaded videos. Clicking on the menu item PLAYLIST, will let you find the less used and archives of home page video categories.
We have updated the banner and icon. If you are not a subscriber you will notice, a welcome video automatically starts playing when you first land on the homepage. This allows us to reach out to potential members who visit our homepage. For members, it can be annoying, but you can pause the video or click on the subscribe button to permanently stop the video. For those who have subscribed, a featured video will begin to play when you enter the homepage. This will only play one time until the featured video is changed. The plan is to change the feature video as special activities that are videoed occur.
If you want a more detail explanation of what’s available or options, please click here. For any questions or suggestions please contact Glenn Child at You can get to our channel via or use links to the channel on our website.