A New Year
January has always been a different month for me. It begins by a celebration of a new year and quickly moves in to the chore of packing away all the decorations of Christmas past. There are lists of good intentions and changes to all things that have to be dated. The cold dark winter looms and we anxiously await spring.
For the church, we celebrate Epiphany and remember the baptism of Jesus, as well as the visit of the Magi. In ancient Israel there is the time of waiting until the Messiah matures and begins his ministry. But for us, we don’t need to wait. Opportunities abound for us to continue our quest to build community. We can reach out to old friends and seek to hear the stories of new friends. Above all, the advent of the Christ
child calls us to love and care for one another in new and creative ways.
~Rev. Dr. Fred Leasure, Parish Associate