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Ponderings from the Parish Associate - June 2023


Did you ever wonder why we have certain parts in our weekly worship service? Most Christian churches have a rather standard order of worship. In some communions this can be, and is modified, according to the wishes of the pastor and/or the congregation. Regardless of the denomination we are all beholden to, the Catholic mass is the original normative pattern of worship.

For over twelve hundred years, the mass was the basic order of worship. Its purpose was both to offer a means of praising God, and also as an educational tool to teach the common folk. Many elements we continue to use on Sunday mornings have their basis in the mass. We may have changed some of the wording or used more modern musical settings, but the origin is the same. An example is the Gloria Patri. It dates back to the fourth century and was primarily to affirm the Doctrine of the Trinity as well as the eternal nature of the world.

So now you know!

~Rev. Dr. Fred Leasure, Parish Associate

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