In the month of May we are called to be aware of certain individuals. Early in the month we are focused on our mothers and the way in which they have nurtured us. Cards, flowers, gifts of all sorts are sometimes lavished upon them as a way of giving thanks for all they have done.
At the close of the month we are called to remember those who have passed from this life to the church triumphant. Memorial Day or Decoration Day was originally established to pay homage to the Civil War dead. However, over the years it has been expanded to remember all those close to us who are deceased. Traditionally, flowers are planted, veterans’ markers are honored with small flags and we pause to remember.
Perhaps one of the greatest gifts we have ever been given is the gift of recollection. It is the basis of many family tales and tributes. As the individuals are remembered, we continue to honor the lessons we have learned and the joys we have shared with them. From generation to generation their memory is kept alive. So it is with our faith. As the scripture is read and the sermons are preached, we are reminded of the saints that have gone before and served as examples for each of us.
~ Rev. Dr. Fred Leasure, Parish Associate