“The Lord God loves them all”…this is a stanza from the hymn All things bright and beautiful.
What a wonderful affirmation of our Christian belief that all of us are equal and there should be no hatred or division between us. Unfortunately, this is far from reality in our current society. Be it political, racial, sexual or economic, the hatred and radical injustices abound.
The concept of love is certainly a deep emotion; however it is not fully affirmed unless the mental concept is translated into action.
What are we doing to make our universal love real? The manner in which we welcome and seek to understand those that are the focus of hatred and bigotry is one way we begin to affirm our commitment to loving one another. Yet, we must begin to understand those unintended subtle ways in which we continue to alienate and potentially exclude others. To this end, we must begin to consider language that we use so that it demonstrates our desire to full love and embrace everyone! Yes indeed, the Lord God loves them all!
~Rev. Dr. Fred Leasure, Parish Associate